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Price List

Prices quoted below are per day. Weekly rate is 3 times day rate. If there is something that we don't have in our inventory please contact us. A pdf price list can be found here


Beaches Productions provides discounts on the prices quoted below for Schools & Non Profit organisations. Contact us for a detailed quote. 

Radio Systems & Mics

Item ................................................ Price

Sennheiser G3 EW500 Beltpack Sys. $50

Sennheiser G3 EW100 Beltpack Sys. $40

Shure ULX Beta58 Radio Sys .............$50

Shure ULX Beltpack Radio Sys ..........$50

Shure SLX Beta58 Radio Sys ..............$50

Shure SLX Beltpack Radio Sys ...........$40

Antenna Distro ...................................$40

RF Venue DFin ...................................$40

Sennheiser Directional Antenna .....$30

Sennheiser Omni Antenna ..............$15


DPA D:Fine88 Headset .....................$40

DPA D:Fine66 Headset .....................$40

DPA 4066 Headset ............................$40

JAG IMX6A Headset  .........................$25

Sennheiser ME 3-ew Headset .........$20

Sennheiser Lapel Mic .......................$15

Shure Lapel Mic ................................$15

Sennheiser Guitar Cable ...................$5

Shure Guitar Cable ............................$5



Item .............................................. Price

DBX Driverack PA+ ...........................$40

DBX166 Stereo Comp Limiter .........$30

Klark Technic DN360 EQ .................$40

DBX 2231 EQ ....................................$30

Yamaha 1031 Graphic EQ ...............$30

Yamaha SPX900 FX Unit ...................$30

CD Player ..........................................$20


Vision & Presentation

Item ............................................... Price

40" LCD Full HD TV ............................$80

Sony Data Projector 6000 lumen .....$50

DVD Player ..........................................$25

Blackmagic 2 x 7" Monitor ................$40

Blackmagic 4k SDI to HDMI...............$25

Blackmagic 4k HDMI to SDI...............$25

Go Pro Hero 3 Black ..........................$50

Go Pro Chesty Harness .....................$10



Item .............................................. Price

4ch Jands Master Station ................$50

1ch Jands Beltpack ..........................$20

2ch Jands Beltpack ..........................$20

Beyer Headsets ...............................$10

Jands Squawk Box ...........................$20



Item ............................................... Price

Orchestra Lights .................................$5

iPad Stand .........................................$20

Mics, Stands & DI's

Item .............................................. Price

Shure SM58 Vocal Mic ....................$10

Shure SM57 Inst Mic .......................$10

Beyer M88 Kick Mic .........................$20

Sennheiser MD421 Tom Mic ..........$15

Beyer M422 Tom Mics ....................$15

Shure Beta 57 Snare Mic ................$15

Beyer M201 Drum Mic ....................$15

Sennheiser e902 Mic ......................$15

Sennheiser e904 Mic ......................$15

Sennheiser e906 Mic ......................$15

Crown GLM String Bug Mic ............$15

Audio Technica AT853

Hanging Mic  ...................................$15

Sennheiser ME66 Shotgun Mic ......$25

Shure 55SH 50s Mic ........................$15

Audio Technica ATM83 Mic ............$15

Shure SM99 Lectern Mics ...............$15

Crown PCC160 Plate Mics ...............$15


Mic Stands ........................................$5

Mini Mic Stands ...............................$5

Drum Clamps & Desk Stands ..........$5


SCV Active DI Box ............................$10

Proco Passive DI Box .......................$10

PC DI Box .........................................$15


Lighting, Smoke & Haze

Item ............................................. Price

Chrome Par 64 ...............................$10

Chrome Par 56 ...............................$10

650w Selecon Pacific .....................$25

1200w Selecon Pacific ...................$25

Pin Spot .............................................$5

Mirror Ball 24" ................................$10

Dynalite 12ch Dimmer ...................$50

Dynalite 4ch Dimmer .....................$20

Dynalite 1ch Dimmer .....................$10

Strobe 80w .....................................$20

Strobe 1500w DMX ........................$50

LED ProShop HO Bars ...................$25

LED Honeycomb Mini ....................$20

LED Quad 18 Par ........................... $25

Martin Mac 250 Entour ...............$100

Martin Mac 550 ........................... $125

Martin Mac301 .............................$100

PC Lighting Control .....................$120

  (Mac Mini + Dell 21" Touch Screen

  eDMX PoE + Martin MPC)

DMX Splitter 4 ch ...........................$20

Martin Hazer Pro ..........................$100



Item ............................................. Price

Tri Truss 3m ...................................$20

1T Chain Blocks ..............................$20

Slings ..............................................$10

Push Up Stands ..............................$15

Sound Desks

Item .............................................. Price

A&H dLive S5000 ............................$600

A&H dLive DM64 ............................$350

A&H DX168 Snake ............................$80

A&H dante card ...............................$50

x32Digital Mixer .............................$180

s16 Stage Box ...................................$60

A&H ZED 24ch. .................................$50

Yamaha O1V96 ................................$70

Soundcraft LX7 24ch .......................$50

Mackie 8 Channel ............................$25



Item ................................................ Price

EV T252 Speaker ..............................$100

EV SX300 ............................................$30

EV SX100 Powered ............................$50

QSC K10 Powered .............................$50

QSC K12 Powered .............................$60

Mackie SRM450 Speaker ..................$55

Mackie SWA1501 Sub .......................$60


Speaker Stands .................................$10

EV SX Hanging Brackets ....................$10



Item ................................................ Price

EV P600 Amplifier ..............................$50

EV P1200 Amplifier ..........................$100

FP2600 2ch Amp ..............................$100

FP2400Q 4ch Amp .............................$80


Leads & Multicores

Item ................................................ Price

Mic Leads .........................................$2-5

Speaker Leads .................................$2-5

Power Leads ....................................$2-5

DMX Cables .....................................$2-5

Patch Leads ........................................$2

Cat 6 Network Leads .......................$2-5

Proco 30m 28ch Multicore ...............$40

Proco 50m 8ch Multicore .................$20

Digital Multicore (24/8) + leads .......$60

30m 32A 3 phase lead .....................$30

10m 32A 3-Phase Lead ....................$10



Item ................................................ Price

AA Duracell Battery ........................$0.75

AAA Duracell Battery ......................$0.75

9v Duracell Battery .........................$2.50

Nitto Electrical Tape .......................$2.50

Nashua Gaffa Tape 40m ...................$25

Haze Fluid 1L.......................................$25

Leukotape ...........................................$10


All packages comes with appropriate leads and stands. 

Band Packages

Acoustic Band Setup - $120

Shure SM58 (2) 

Shure SM57 (2)

EV SX100 Speakers (2) 

Mackie 8 Channel Mixer (1) 


Ultimate Band Setup - $650

X32 Digital Mixer (1)

EV T252 Speakers (2)

EV SX300 Speakers (4)

FP2400Q 4ch Amp (1)

Dum Mic Kit 

  Beyer M88 Kick Mic (1) 

  Shure Beta 57 Snare Mic (1)

  Beyer M422 Tom Mics (2)

  Sennheiser MD421 Tom Mic (1)

  Beyer M201 Drum Mic (2)

Shure SM58 (3)

Shure SM57 (2)

Sennheiser e906 (1)

Passive DI (2)  

Mic Stands (10)



Full Inventory

DJ & Party Packages

Party Package 1 - $90

EV SX100 Speakers with Stands (2)

Shure SM58 (1)

iPod Cable 3.5mm to Jack (1)


DJ Package 1 - $180

Mackie SRM450 Speaker (2) 

Mackie SWA1501 Sub (1)  

DJ Console w/ Denon DN2000f Dual CD (1)

Shure SM58 (1)


Presentation Packages

Presentation Package - $250

40" LCD Full HD TV (1) 

QSC K10 Powered with Stands (2) 

Shure ULX Beltpack Radio Sys (2) 

Mackie 8 Channel Desk (1) 

PC DI (1)


Add a Mac Mini for $50 or a DVD

player for $20.


Prices subject to change without notice. Gear subject to availability. Project and long term pricing available.

Discounts available for schools and non profits. Please contact us for more info.

Radio Mic Systems

Radio Mic System: Small - $100

Shure ULX Radio Mic System (2) 

 Beltpack or Beta 58


Radio Mic System: Medium - $180

Shure SLX Radio Mic System (4)

  2 Beltpacks & 2 Beta 58


Please contact us for more radio mic system configurations.


Lighting Packages

Theatre Package - $500

650w Selecon Pacific (10) 

Dynalite 12ch Dimmer (1)

PC Lighting Control (1)

Martin Hazer Pro (1)


Disco Package - $1000

PC Lighting Control (1)

Mac 250 Entour (6)

Strobe 1500w (1)

LED Pro Shop HO Bar (8)

DMX 4ch Splitter (1)

Got quoted a better price? Contact us
Contact Us

Phone: 0422 922 300



Contact us for a free estimate. Fill out the form below or call us on 

0422 922 300. We will get back to you within 48 hours.

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Areas We Cover

We are a Northern Beaches based production company servicing the following areas:







Neutral Bay

Palm Beach
Terry Hills

North Sydney
Mona Vale

​© Copyright 2014 Beaches Productions. 

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